is it only the season change? i feel connected with my half side. i have a community of well intended spirits who love me and accept me. i am entirely, overwhelmingly in love with the littles. i feel content with uncertainty. knowing i know little or nothing is fine with me. i feel less skeptical and that i want to try different things to continue to become a happier, better person. my luck is great as i am feeling better physically most of the time. i don't require the aid of medicine to get on with my days.
Click here to listen to a snippet of my cover of My Body is a Cage by Arcade Fire. This song sums up how I felt over the last few months.
i am in a place today where i am
almost thankful for my ailments. it has brought me new insight into life and living and perspective for what there is to be grateful for. my ailments have aided me in seeking understanding through outlets i never considered before. i hope to one day be grateful for the incident, to be completely healed and to hold on to the new perspective.